All games scheduled for June 19 in all brackets of the Texas East District 29 tournaments have been postponed by one day.
The following games are tentatively scheduled to be played on June 20 at the scheduled time shown:
Junior baseball: Sinton vs. Rockport-Fulton, 7 p.m.
Little League baseball, Zone A: Rockport-Fulton vs. Odem, 7 p.m.
Little League baseball, Zone B: Beeville vs. Mathis, 7 p.m.
8-9-10 baseball, Zone A: Rockport-Fulton vs. Mathis, 7 p.m.
8-9-10 baseball, Zone B: Beeville vs. Sinton, 7 p.m.
Little League softball: Ingleside vs. Sinton, 6 p.m. & Rockport-Fulton vs. Refugio County, 8 p.m.
8-9-10 softball, Zone A: Rockport-Fulton vs. Aransas Pass, 7 p.m.
8-9-10 softball, Zone B: Beeville vs. Refugio, 7 p.m.
District staff is monitoring the weather conditions closely and will provide updates about any further postponements as soon as possible. Please stay safe!